Almut Balleer

Almut Balleer

Professor for Applied Macroeconomics

RWI Essen and TU Dortmund


I am Co-Head of the Department of Macroeconomics and Public Ecoomics at RWI Essen and Professor for Applied Macroeconomics at TU Dortmund. Previously, I was Professor at RWTH Aachen. I am affiliated with IIES at Stockholm University, CEPR and CESifo. I also serve as research professor at the ifo Institute Munich. My research focuses on macroeconomics, in particular business cycles, labor and monetary economics. I hold a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Bonn.

Full CV

Recent Publications

(2024). The Effects of Biased Labor Market Expectations on Consumption, Wealth Inequality, and Welfare. conditionally accepted at American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.

Latest version CEPR DP

(2024). Minimum wages and financial constraints in firms. European Economic Review, Vol. 163, April 2024, 104678.

Published version IZA DP 16455

(2024). Demand or supply? Price Adjustment During the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Central Banking, Vol. 20(1), 2024, pp 94-158.

Published version CEPR DP CESifo WP Covid Economics VoxEU

(2021). Air quality in welfare accounting. Macoeconomic Dynamics,27 (4), June, pp. 1019-1058.

Link to Publication

Policy Briefs

Makrodaten: Die amtliche Statistik stärken

Wirtschaftsdienst, 103. Jahrgang, Heft 11, S. 741-745, 2023

Guidelines for cost-effective use of SURE, 01 May 2020

Mit Kurzarbeit erfolgreich durch die nächste Rezession?

ifo Schnelldienst 18, 2019

Financial Constraints and Nominal Rigidities, 24 June 2017

Short-Time work: Does it save jobs?, 12 July 2013
